Tuesday, January 11, 2011

100 Day Challenge. Day 1

Hello all you wonderfully pretty and interesting looking people out there. 

Happy New Year and welcome to my blog and the start of our new lives.  I would like to introduce you to current Dave-------------------------------------------------------------------------->

If you hadn't noticed already current Dave needs a little fixing up of some sorts, that is why I decided to take part in this challenge.  I cordially invite you to come share an enlightening and mostly mild tempered ride to the start of a new year, and the start of "self improvement" or "self dissolution" depending on how you view it.  We'll just have to wait and see what happens. 

The 100 Day Challenge consists of the following

  1. Losing 20 kg(44 lbs.)
  2. Eating healthy and balanced food
  3. Cooking more
  4. Drinking 2.5 liters/day
  5. Learning how to Juggle
  6. No fast food
  7. No soda

I know this may seem like every other New Year's resolution, but for 1 difference.  I will be updating this blog everyday with the new results of how everything is going and I will be constantly updating you on every facet that I possibly can.  I hope you are all as excited as I am^^.

The year is now 2011 and the fork has been placed in the road.  Will I embrace this new style of living?  or will I revert back to my Lazy ass tendencies and repeat the mistakes of the past?  You be the judge.

I'm open to any questions, concerns or comments.  I look forward to starting the new year off right.  See you tomorrow! :)

Also Please Check out The Condition Podcast.  It's a podcast a friend named Paul Stafford and I do.  If you could show your support it would greatly be appreciated. 

Thank you everyone Day 1....................START!!!!!!!

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